How to effectively fashion shop

What’s that one thing that readily comes to mind when you hear about shopping? Let me guess “window shopping.” Well, that was too easy! I mean, anybody could have mentioned that at the snap of a finger.

Now, let me burst your bubble; do you know there is called fashion shop? Haha, I caught you right there …you probably never heard of that before. 

But funnily, we all have been doing that for a long time however, we have a label for that task now.

For example, when there is any owambe (a Yoruba term for the party), you would see some selected few who go to mandalas (a big clothing store in Lagos state, Nigeria) to buy aso-ebi (an article of uniform clothing worn during an event). That right there is fashion shopping.

It’s one thing to fashion shop, and it’s another thing to do it the right way. So, ask yourself if you are effectively fashion shopping.

Whatever your answer may be, do not, worry we’ve got tips on how you can effectively fashion shop.


How to effectively fashion shop

1. Go for a cohesive or functional outfit

Ever heard of a cohesive wardrobe? Well, my guess is NO (let me know in the comment section if I’m wrong).

Just in case that sounds like too much grammar (which, of course, it is), here is what that means; it is a wardrobe where most of the tops work with most of the bottoms, so they can be combined in multiple ways.

There is also cohesive attire, where your garments can serve multiple functions while pairing with a variety of accessories and accent pieces.

Functional garments are those garments that can perform several functions apart from just adornment and cover-up body.

With this in mind, you don’t just buy any type of clothes but a functional one you can use over and again.

2. Have a purpose

Do you just buy a fashion piece for the sake of it? Please stop! You should have a reason. Most times, impulse shopping ends up being a waste. When you have a purpose, pen them down and later choose from all your penned-down suggestions using a scale of preference. This will go a long way in making your shopping effective and worthwhile.

3. Do not hurry to buy what your favorite online personalities buy or wear

You open your Instagram and Pinterest accounts, and you see your celebrity wearing a beautiful dress. You pin it or have a screenshot, and the next time you are going to the market, you are getting it already. This is totally wrong!

To become a fashionable personality, sail alongside your personal style. Your style is peculiar to you, and this differs totally from the personal style of your celebrity.

Your personal style should be borne out of your fashion self-awareness such as your body shape, face shape, undertone, and so on. 

You differ totally from your fav celebrity. Get inspired from pinned photoshoots, not being a copycat all the damn time.

4. Avoid impulse shopping

Because it looks beautiful on a mannequin or model or shelf, doesn't mean it will look beautiful on you. Learn not to buy what just attracts you in the market or online, instead, go for what you need. 

5. Slow down on purchasing new items

Stop buying new things all the time, there are beautiful dresses in your wardrobe that needs slight change or alteration, work on them and learn to take care of the little ones you have.

Wait to prepare your shopping list on the day you are to go shopping. As emphasized in our other posts, pen down your fashion necessities as soon as you remember them. 

Keep jotting down until two days before going to the market. On this day, arrange them in their order of necessity. This is what you should take to the market.

6. Stop pricing for pricing sake

Sometimes, we all want to get the price of things and also, walk into another shop or store, price again then compare prices before settling down to buy one.

Here is our plea to you; stop pricing for the sake of it–doesn’t put you in a good light in the seller's sight.

7. Learn to say ‘NO’

Don’t always be a yes-man. Master the act of saying no. you would hurt yourself by saying yes to others. 

The job of a marketer or seller is to sweet-talk you into buying, but it’s your decision to stand on your words by saying no if you are not interested in that product.

8. If you must buy a new fashion item, ensure it goes with at least 3 clothes in your wardrobe

Pairing is one thing to consider when fashion shopping because what is the essence of buying a fashion item that wouldn’t match your clothing? More like a waste, yeah?

9. Build a capsule wardrobe

A capsule wardrobe is a collection of classic pieces that work together with versatility, allowing you to create a variety of looks with just a few items. Read more on how to build a capsule wardrobe here. 


We know it’s been a long read but now that you’re here, let’s give you a big thumbs up for taking your time to read through. We hope, you’d digest these tips and apply them when next you want to fashion shop.

Keep your fingers crossed for our next article.




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