How to look good during your period

Looking fashionable while on your menstrual period isn't solely about just looking good, the goal is to also feel good about yourself (when your body may physically feel worn down) while still looking fashionable at the same time. Do not let your period cramp your style, fashion sense, and beauty. Do not allow your monthly mental craze to drive your wardrobe and fashion sense crazy too.

As much as you would love me to give some certain types of rigid rules, I am actually set to burst your bubbles this time around. There are no rules about what you can wear or what you can't wear during your monthly period. The key ingredient is to be comfortable, and this means different things to different people.
I asked around before coming to certain conclusions and here is what I got;

"About this, it's usually not a big deal or anything different for me with fashion while menstruating. I wear my usual clothes. And maybe darker skirts or trousers to look out for stains" _ _Okere Ruth

"I use the right sanitary pad and drink lots of water. Even though some people are scared to wear white during that period, I SLAY IN WHITE AND CREAM COLOURS THEN... also your panties matter... It's good to use the perfect size of panties that your sanitary pad will fit into very well. I don't do tight-fitted clothes during that period, I wear something that makes me express myself and feel so confident; Palazzo pants and a nice top with lovely sandals, and my scarf to protect my hair and face from the sun. My favorite accessory is my earrings. Last, I try my best to smell nice...I'm not complete without my after-shower spray and my perfume __Giwa Sandra

Sandra's response shocked me. I mean, she slays in white!!! I think she deserves an award, yeah! Lol. But that only brings us back to what I said earlier on; being comfortable means different things to different people, yeah!

In that case, I wouldn't be giving you rules as regards what to wear during this period, I would only suggest ways to ensure maximal comfort, and yeah, I will suggest ideas that have worked for me.

  • It is a perfect idea to wear a shirt that reaches the fingertip length and also covers your rear. It helps you cover up in case of leakage. You can also keep a sweatshirt or sweater near you at all times, it may be necessary to tie it around your waist at some point.

  •  If you suffer bloatedness during this period like myself, you can opt for loose clothing like a palazzo, a flair skirt, or a flair gown. I normally feel like I do not want any sort of clothing or item to touch my skin except water, so these loose clothes always go a long way for me.

  • In case you use menstrual products that are prone to leaking or perhaps you have a heavy flow, avoid wearing white attire for obvious and known reasons, wear black, especially if you have a heavy flow. Do not dress up like you are mourning. You can also wear shorts and tights for extra protection and firmness.
  • Experiment with your shoes and accessories. It adds to your comfort level and boosts your confidence, too. I love sneakers, especially because its sort of flat and makes me look chic at the same time. Wear a shade or lens to lighten up, colourful jackets aren't a bad idea too. Scarfs, earrings, chains, belts, and bags aren't left out too.
  • Avoid synthetic fabrics that irritate the skin. Avoid nylon materials. Pick clothes from natural sources like cotton for the sake of fresh air. It is all to be healthy, sweat less, and avoid bad odors. This applies to your lingerie as well.
  • Use deodorant, body sprays, and perfumes to smell fresh and chic at every point in time. Dress nice, smell nice, it is very important.
  • Do not forget your diet as well. Eat well, drink lots of water, take fruits, exercise, treat cramps according to prescriptions and live your normal life by enjoying it with your friends and loved ones. That's ultimately important too.

So, I will drop my pen here. Remember, you don't have to wear special clothes, and you don't have to look bored at the same time. Just be comfortable!!!

I am open to comments and reviews, in fact, I love them. Do well to drop a comment below, it means a lot to me. Catch you on our next edition, byeah!!!

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  2. Thanks ma'am, such a great write up. Enlightening and practicable

  3. Thanks for this my friend. It's really helpful.

  4. Thanks for this my friend. It's really helpful.

  5. Thanks for the feedback, I really appreciate❤😘

  6. Thanks for this useful information

    1. Thank you very much����

  7. Thanks for shedding more light😘😘😘

    1. I am glad I did that! Thanks for the feedback����

  8. This is really educating...most grateful

  9. I am happy it is! Thanks for the feedback��


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